Standard Wire Haired Working Teckel

Blood Tracking Dogs

The males are all from Germany, they are muscular and strong with big solid bones.
Hunting instincts are very developed and respect the DTK standards and are certified studs.
Excellent Blood Tracking Dogs all PRA, NCL, OI free

Claus-Rooster von der Widen Hartz

      Claus was imported from Germany in February 2024 after he completed his International Versatile Hunting test (Vp) at

only 10 months old. 

He is from an exceptional line of working German dogs. He got his WaT/J at 5 months old , Sp/J, BhFK95/J, VpoSp/J, BHN-W


His parents are exceptional German working lines;


   SIR: Iltis vom Lubowsee: LJS 2014, DtJCh 2014, DtJCh-VDH 2014, WUT-JCh 2014, LS 2015,
Sp/J 2. Preis, Italien-Inter-Vp 2. Preis, Italien-SchwhK 2. Preis, Italien-BhFK95 1. Preis, Italien-Fbja 1. Preis, BhFK95/J bestanden, ESw/J bestanden, BhN/F verliehen, SchwhN verliehen


   DAM: Walküre von der Bismarck-Eike: WUT-WorkCh 2020, I-ACh2022, BhFK/95/J, BhN(F), BhN(W), ESw/J, SauN, SchwhK/J, SchwhK, SchwhK/40/J, SchwhK/40, SchwhKF/J, SfK, Sp, StiJ, VpoSp/J, IntVp/J., Wa.T


   He is a great addition to the vom Branche kennel.


These are pictures

the parents of Claus-Rooster

working wire haired dachshund
German wire haired working Teckel
blood tracking Teckel

Québec aus der Preusenmeute

  Quebec is a wire haired Tecke that was imported from Germany from great hunting lines.

He got a lot of deer and moose recoveries being a great tracker. 

His semen was collected and frozen at his prime for future generations.

Blood tracking Teckel
standard wire-haired dachshund
deer recovery dog